Here’s What Patients and Colleagues Say

- Dr. Shanti Rubenstone, M.D.
Naturopathy is much more subtle than western medicine. It works at an energetic level to help people heal from the inside out. It is less intense, although not at all less effective. While Dr. Connie and I both practice in a way that respects people and their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, we have a deep respect for these two modalities and how they can come together to offer any one person exactly what they need in that moment to be able to heal. We recognize that they are not at all mutually exclusive as so many others on BOTH sides of this fence might say, but rather they both offer what I have come to see as essential elements towards the healing of any one being. I can honestly say that I couldn’t imagine practicing medicine at this time without the help of a good naturopath, and quite specifically, Dr. Connie.

- Daya Fisch
Dr Connie is one of the most knowledgeable naturopathic doctors on the West Coast about women’s health. As the Director of the Breast Health Project, I get to interview some of the brightest minds in women’s health and cancer care in the country.
After getting to know Dr Connie, I not only rely heavily on her knowledge and wisdom in guiding the Project, but I also see her personally. Her combined skills of wisdom and curiosity keep her current and open in this rapidly changing field. Still she is so steeped in knowledge from years of practice that you know you are in the presence of a master when you work with her.

– Robert L. Kane, DC, DABCT, FIACT
– The Voice of Thermography
Dr. Connie’s dedication to wellness and high quality personalized care for women makes her the perfect provider to offer breast thermography services. As our culture begins to shift our thinking from disease to wellness, Dr. Connie combines state-of-the-art thermography and a mastery of natural medicine to help women like you make smart effective choices to reduce their risk of cancer and promote breast health. An exceptionally high standard of care is demonstrated by her certified technicians who go above and beyond to insure all necessary protocols have been followed during each examination so we know the images are accurate and reliable.
Dr. Connie exemplifies how thermography should be performed and more importantly, how it should be used to prevent disease by promoting wellness.

- Joanne, London, England
In December 2009 I was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer. Through regular phone consultations with Dr Connie Hernandez, we were able to create a suitable protocol to support my body through surgery, talk through the emotional aspects of the diagnosis and together weave a holistic approach to my healing journey. She was able to tap into my needs on many different levels and worked with me to identify what was most important and likely to be effective. Her warm voice enveloped me in love, while her ability to pick up emotions through the phone and her listening on many levels, provided a strong basis on which to build a protocol. Dr Connie’s wisdom, her genuine care for her clientele, her breadth of knowledge and her integrity create a vibration of support that is exemplary, whether on the phone or face to face. With her guidance I am well on the way to recovery and am in deep appreciation of her love and her support.

- Patrice re Joseph, Penn Valley, California
A few years back, my husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Also, for several years his labs had shown a high white blood cell count. Nothing was ever said or done by his medical doctors, NOTHING and no follow-up either, just a shrug of the head. On first glance at his labs, Dr. Connie was concerned enough to send him to a hematologist. Her suspicions were confirmed, as he was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia period.
Dr. Connie determined his cellular nutritional deficiencies and suggested supplements, dietary and lifestyle changes, and cutting edge cancer therapies. Today my husband’s health is excellent. I am always amazed at Dr. Connie’s spot on gift to find the cause and treat with a natural and scientific approach. To top it off, most of my husband’s care was done via long distance phone consults. Amazing! If you’re looking to get rid of medical issues and get healthy, Dr. Connie is the gifted healer you are looking for.

- Carol, Los Gatos, California.
When I was diagnosed with breast cancer my life flipped upside down. I went to Dr C on my “sister’s” recommendation. I was a little apprehensive as I had never been to a naturopathic doctor before. Dr C was amazing. She treated me as a whole person. She listened to my thoughts and fears and then prescribed naturopathic remedies to boost my immune system and reduce my stress and prepare me for my surgery. I have never felt so healthy despite my cancer diagnosis. Dr C has a combination of so much research and knowledge as well as a way of treating you with so much care and respect.

- Mary Leigh, Mountain View, California
You can’t do better for your medical care than Pacific Naturopathic. They know everything your doctor knows, plus they know a lot your doctor doesn’t. I’ve been seeing Dr. Connie for over 15 years, and she has been invaluable in helping me deal with body issues (most recently menopause) using therapies I’d never have known about if all I saw was my gynecologist. I cannot recommend this place highly enough, especially if the standard medical establishment approaches have not met your needs or you want to know about the many unsuspected alternatives to what your doctors can offer.

- Wendy Rogers, Psychologist.
As a transpersonal psychologist, I believe that well being and vitality emerge from the alignment of body, mind, and spirit. A stressful lifestyle and neglected health issues sabotage our efforts to experience well being and vitality. I refer my clients to Dr. Connie with full confidence that she will assist them in not only identifying but resolving health and lifestyle issues. I value Dr. Connie’s sensitivity to each client’s unique needs and circumstances, and her expertise, thorough approach, and caring nature. I trust Dr. Connie and know my clients are in good hands.

-Bonnie Zimmerman M.D.
I’ve collaborated with Connie Hernandez, N.D. in the care of a number of people with long time anxiety and depression. Dr. Hernandez’s holistic approach to diet, food absorption, endocrine evaluation, and support of the nervous system has been quite synergistic with the mindfulness-based therapy I do. Combining her approach and mine, I have seen people come off anti-anxiety medications, anti-depressants and alcohol after many years of use, and maintain the ability to meet life without spiraling into depression or anxiety.
I have also seen a number of the chronic health problems that often accompany long term depression and anxiety fade away as Connie and I work together, so that people no longer have chronic gastrointestinal pain, headaches or severe menstrual cramps.

- Patrice, Penn Valley, CA
I have years of studying and marketing nutritional products. I feel fortunate to have found such a high degree of understanding and application of this special knowledge as I found in the person of Dr. Connie Hernandez. Dr. Connie listens to her patient’s needs, creates a partnership and takes the whole person into account when considering treatments. I first saw her for general fatigue, menopausal symptoms and insomnia. She was able to balance my hormones and help me restore my energy and create health. I had been working with a severe hypothyroid condition as well and she was the only clinician (holistic or allopathic) to offer the proper testing and reading and understanding of the labs. And believe me, I had seen many medical doctors, and their standard medical approach had failed.

- Gail, Missouri
I have had a series of medical challenges and have gone to doctors (M.D.s) in my area of rural southern Missouri. I have not been able to find solutions. I had heard Dr. Connie Hernandez, N.D, was one of the very best in naturopathic medicine. I was surprised and pleased to learn that she could work with me on the telephone. I began phone consultations with Dr. Connie last fall, in 2009. After the first session, while going over her suggestions, I was amazed at how many specific, workable solutions she was able to offer me. I have continued to benefit from our one-hour sessions on a regular basis. Despite the fact that I live in a rural area with very limited medical resources, I am now able to receive some of the finest medical advice available.
Dr. Connie Hernandez listens to me in a respectful, compassionate manner, and she gives clear and thoughtful advice. She does this in a way that makes me feel comfortable and relaxed about sharing difficult health challenges. She includes me, as a team member, in the building of solutions (which all doctors should do, but I have not experienced this, until now). She advises and helps me set short and long-term strategies. She has offered and explained specific, detailed testing advice that assists me with a major health concern — no other medical doctor has ever done this for me. All the while, she considers my personal situation and looks at options that include what I can afford, or find available, in my area. After each session, she mails me a copy of her well-organized notes. My doctor-visits-by-phone have been successful — I am healthier, and have real handles on what to do for my future healing. I have a new level of optimism — because I have a warm-hearted Naturopathic Doctor Connie on my team.

- Leon Hecht III, ND
I have known Dr. Connie Hernandez for 25 years, first as a medical student at Bastyr University of Natural Health Sciences, then as a colleague practicing Naturopathic Medicine. We attend seminars together and consult each other on challenging cases.I know Connie to be committed to her patients, an active and deep listener, extremely insightful and compassionate. She does careful and thorough research and draws upon a wealth of clinical and life experience to formulate a plan to help her patients. She is an excellent Naturopathic Doctor who I would, without hesitation, recommend to anyone experiencing an illness or who needs guidance on disease prevention.

– Kristy Fassler, ND, DHANP, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Connie Hernandez, ND, is an insightful healer with two decades of experience treating people of all ages with chronic and acute illness. She emphasizes the restoration of balance and homeostasis to enhance your innate healing ability to treat the underlying causes of disease. She utilizes her clinical skills in assessing your health history, laboratory test results and previous and current medical care to prepare a detailed and comprehensive overview of your health care needs. I recommend Dr. Connie Hernandez with confidence to anyone who is seeking a professional consultation integrating a holistic and scientific evidence based approach to healing.

- Asha Praver
As a teacher of meditation and a spiritual counselor, people often ask for my help in resolving challenges in all areas of their lives. Often I sense that some physical imbalance, perhaps quite subtle, is contributing to their distress. I am so grateful then, for Dr. Connie Hernandez. Naturopathic medicine is a remarkable blend of science, art, and intuition, and Dr. Connie is a master physician. Countless times her skillful diagnosis and treatment has been a key factor in helping people regain their physical, mental, or even spiritual equilibrium.

- Judy Loring, NC Certified Nutrition Consultant
I have worked as a consultant to a number of professional lines of nutritional supplements, functional medicine labs, and homeopathic companies over the past 15 years. In this capacity, I have worked with hundreds of alternative medicine practitioners throughout the Bay Area. I have known Dr. Connie professionally and personally since 1996. Not only is she a wonderful person with great integrity and intention, she is also a unique practitioner who truly embraces the integrative model of natural medicine. Dr. Connie stays on top of the latest innovations in nutritional medicine and applies critical thinking to address the needs of her patients. I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for a knowledgeable and experienced naturopathic doctor to support them through healing and recovery, as well as for preventive health.