Intravenous Therapy

Almost everyone can benefit from IV nutrient therapy. For people who are healthy and just need an infusion of energy or extra protection from viral infection, a 20-minute Myers Cocktail infusion is rejuvenating. For people with medical conditions, IV nutrient therapy is safe, effective and restorative. IV nutrient therapy has been used for years as an anti-aging treatment.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some of the most common questions we get about IV nutrient therapy:
- What is IV Nutrient Therapy?
- Why give IV Nutrient Therapy?
- How does IV Nutrient therapy work?
- What are the benefits of IV Nutrient Therapy?
- Who Would Benefit from IV Nutrient Therapies?
- IV Vitamin C and Cancer.
- The case for IV vitamin C in working with cancer is stronger than ever.
- IV Vitamin C for other conditions.
- IV Vitamin C: few side effects.
- Why take vitamin C IV instead of taking a pill?
- Myer’s Cocktail: Powerful Immune System Boost.
- Many relatively healthy patients choose to receive periodic Myers Cocktail injections to enhance overall well-being.
- What other IV therapies are offered at Pacific Naturopathic?
- Are there any contra-indications to IV therapy?
- What can I expect in an IV therapy session?
- What does nutritional IV therapy cost?
- Is Intravenous Nutritional Therapy covered by medical insurance?
IV nutrient therapy is the process of giving vital nutrients to the body via the bloodstream by accessing a vein in the arm with a small needle. The nutrients can be a small amount that is pushed in slowly with a syringe in about 20 minutes or nutrients administered in a bag that is dripped slowly taking as little as 45 minutes and as much as 4 hours, depending on the solution being given. Most IV drips take one to two hours.
IV nutrient therapy quickly delivers accurate therapeutic doses of vitamins, amino acids, minerals and other nutrients into the bloodstream. This takes no work on the part of the digestive system, an immense benefit for those who have digestive issues or who cannot tolerate oral supplementation. There are also times when the body is so deficient that oral supplementation is not enough. Using the IV route of administration allows for the maximum concentration of nutrients to reach tissues that need them the most.
The nutrients in the IV solutions are absorbed directly by your cells without the nutrients having to go through the digestive process. Nutrients are absorbed more quickly and at higher concentrations than with oral supplementation. Due to the high concentration of nutrients in the IV solution compared to that of the cells in your body, the “concentration gradient” allows rapid and efficient active transport of the nutrients into your cells, thus stimulating your cells to achieve optimal health.
IV therapy provides a rapid increase in the nutrient levels in the center of the cells where the nutrients are most needed. Cellular healing begins when the cells have the nutrients they need to function properly. People often feel much better immediately after an infusion. Nutrients, fluids and medications which patients can’t take orally can be administered by IV.
Although anyone can benefit from IV Nutrient Therapy, this course of treatment can have a positive effect for people with any of the following health concerns:
- Advanced Aging
- Allergies
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Asthma
- Atherosclerosis
- Autoimmune disorders
- Before and after surgery
- Cancer treatment
- Cancer prevention
- Chron’s Disease
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
- Chronic Pain
- Colds and Flus, both preventive and acute treatment
- Congestive heart failure
- DementiaÂ
- Depression/AnxietyÂ
- DetoxificationÂ
- Enhanced athletic performanceÂ
- Environmental toxicity
Fatigue or lethargy
Fatty Liver
General health maintenance
Hangover recovery
Heart disease
Heavy metal toxicity
High blood pressure
Immune system disorders
Inflammatory conditions
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Joint Replacement candidates
Liver detoxification
Low functioning immune systems
Lyme disease
Macular degeneration
Malabsorption syndrome
Migraine headaches
Multiple sclerosis
Parkinson’s disease
Peripheral vascular disease
Post Stroke
Post trauma/post surgical wound healing
Prior to important events, meetings or travel
Respiratory infections
Rheumatoid arthritis
Serotonin increase in the brain
Times when one cannot afford to be tired or Ill
Ulcerative colitis
Viral infections
And More…
IV Vitamin C and Cancer.
Ascorbic acid is an essential nutrient and a powerful antioxidant. A number of major studies suggest that I.V. Vitamin C can provide significant benefit in a number of cancers, including those that often have a poor prognosis, such as liver cancer, melanoma, and pancreatic cancer.
The case for IV vitamin C in working with cancer is stronger than ever.
Working with CA with IV vitamin C is not new. High-dose vitamin C has proven to be extremely toxic to a wide variety of cancer cell lines, while leaving normal, healthy cells undamaged. I.V. Vitamin C also boosts the effectiveness of several common chemotherapy drugs. In human trials, IV Vitamin C has been shown to significantly improve quality of life for breast cancer patients and for patients with other cancers.
A recent study showed that IV vitamin C significantly reduced inflammation markers in 76 percent of cancer patients. (Low inflammation markers can predict a better prognosis.) Just as impressively, the same trial showed that IV vitamin C decreased tumor markers in 77 percent of prostate cancer patients and 73 percent of breast cancer patients.
Studies clearly indicate that cancer patients who begin IV vitamin C therapy early in their illness tend to respond better, as do patients who undergo a greater number of vitamin C infusions.
IV Vitamin C for other conditions.
Colds and flus, chronic fatigue, allergies, wound healing, inflammation, and some neurologic conditions respond positively to vitamin C infusions. As IV vitamin C can raise neurotransmitter levels, it can help depression. We continue to discover additional applications.
IV Vitamin C: few side effects.
Most encouraging is that IV applications of Vitamin C have demonstrated few adverse effects. A small group of people, mainly those of Middle Eastern descent, may have a disorder called G6PD deficiency, which precludes IV Vitamin C treatment. A simple blood test to rule out this condition is part of our routine pre-therapeutic protocol.
Why take vitamin C IV instead of taking a pill?
High dose oral vitamin C is notorious for causing gastrointestinal discomfort and diarrhea. In addition, very little of the oral dose is absorbed and most is excreted. IV vitamin C results in much higher plasma and intracellular levels.
IV vitamin C will not solve all of your problems, but a vast body of scientific evidence shows outstanding safety and efficacy in the prevention and treatment of a wide variety of conditions.
Myers Cocktail: Powerful Immune System Boost.
The Myers Cocktail is the most common nutritional IV therapy. It is a synergistic blend of vitamins and minerals, consisting of magnesium, calcium, B vitamins and vitamin C.
The Myers Cocktail has been used to treat symptoms of aging, general fatigue, immune system problems, chronic fatigue syndrome, Lyme disease, Epstein Barr virus, hepatitis, acute asthma attacks, upper respiratory tract infections, chronic sinus infections, seasonal allergies, migraine headaches, muscle spasms and menstrual cramps, as well as to support recovery from endurance athletics. It has been used to help manage the pain associated with chronic degenerative arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia. And symptoms of depression, anxiety, insomnia, and neurological disorders are often lessened by the nutrients in the Meyer’s Cocktail.
Many relatively healthy patients choose to receive periodic Myers’ Cocktail injections to enhance their overall well-being.
Myers cocktail is named after John Myers, a physician from Baltimore, Maryland who treated patients with IV nutrient therapy for over 25 years. Since then, thousands of patients have received benefit from this cocktail.
Is Myers Cocktail right for me if I’m feeling run down, fatigued, or if I am getting a cold? One of the best times for a Nutritional IV is when you are run down, fatigued, under moderate to severe stress or coming down with something. Beneficial effects may last anywhere from days to several months. As many as 50% of those given an IV Myers Cocktail for an oncoming flu/cold/respiratory bug get immediate relief and even resolution of their illness. Others get a significant reduction in the length and severity of an illness.
Will Myers Cocktail help with my chronic fatigue syndrome? Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or fibromyalgia often improve with weekly or twice monthly IV treatments. In some cases, the improvements are after the first IV, others after 3-4 treatments. Some patients become progressively healthier and eventually stop treatment. Other patients require periodic infusions to help themselves function better and to restore energy.
How long does a Myers Cocktail take? IV drips usually take about 60 to 90 minutes and pushes take about 20-30 minutes.
What other IV therapies are offered at Pacific Naturopathic?
In addition to the conditions covered by IV Vitamin C and Myers’ Cocktail, we offer IV protocols that specifically address the cardiovascular, immune, respiratory, digestive and detoxification systems, as well as neurotransmitter metabolism, inflammatory, skin and eye conditions, and nutrient absorption. These include (but are not limited to):
- Amino acids
- Glutathione
- Vitamin C
- Myers’ Cocktail
- Phosphatidylcholine
- Anti-microbial agents
- Chelating agents
- Sodium bicarbonate
- Minerals
- Multi-vitamins
- Herbal and homeopathic medicines
Are there any contra-Indications to IV therapy?
The majority of people can tolerate most IV nutrient therapies. Occasionally, an individual may have an allergy to a nutrient and therefore should not receive infusions containing that nutrient. In addition, kidney or heart disease or high blood pressure may preclude the use of some of the nutrient IV’s. And those with G6PD deficiencies can’t receive IV Vitamin C. Otherwise, these therapies are very safe and well tolerated.
You may also be assured that the ingredients used in the IV nutritional therapies at Pacific Naturopathic do not contain any preservatives.
What can I expect in an IV therapy session?
First of all, there is very little pain involved. The needle used is a tiny 24 gauge. When the needle is withdrawn, a soft catheter remains in place for the remainder of the treatment. The infusion is more comfortable than an ordinary blood draw.
Depending on the infusion, you may experience local warmth and either an increase in energy or a relaxation effect. An improved sense of calm and wellbeing accompanies many infusions, especially vitamin C or magnesium infusions. And many people report subsequently improved sleep.
The length of treatment depends on the nutrient mix and concentration being infused. “Pushes,†like Myers Cocktail, take about 20 minutes. “Drips,†like high dose vitamin C, may take one to four hours.
We have a dedicated infusion room that is relaxing and peaceful. You may read, watch a movie on TV, listen to music, take a nap or work on your computer. Although you will be sitting most of the time, you may get up and use the rest room, if necessary.
Please come well hydrated and let our staff know if you have any allergies.
What does nutritional IV therapy cost?
Pricing varies depending on the specific protocol and the number of treatments purchased, and ranges from $150 per treatment to $320 per treatment.
The price does not include the cost of the comprehensive initial assessment or required laboratory work, which are the first steps for new patients interested in IV nutritional therapy.
Is Intravenous Nutritional Therapy covered by medical insurance?
IV nutritional therapy is generally not covered by medical insurance. However, flexible medical savings accounts may reimburse for these therapies. A medical invoice (superbill) or medical necessity letter will be provided upon request.
How do I get started? Phone 650-961-1660 to make an appointment.
Dr. Marcel Hernandez, director of IV programs at Pacific Naturopathic, has been trained in intravenous therapeutic protocols and has received the State of California Naturopathic Board certification for performing IV therapy.